Although it’s called the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, the one who built it up and created it is the Mother. Born Mirra Alfassa in Paris her life was out of the ordinary. She trained as an artist at the Académie Julian and also learnt to play music. But behind her artistic training was her background in finances which she picked up from her banker father and uncles.
It was this talent to manage money and people which helped her to set up a spiritual community in Pondicherry, ironic as it may sound. She came with her European education and rationality but also her aesthetic sense and her vision of the world where everyone was equal.
She kept herself out of the limelight, doing everything in Sri Aurobindo’s name. She remains unknown beyond the Ashram and the circle of her devotees. Because she was French most people find it difficult to speak of her as a spiritual figure of India. But more and more people are turning to her books and her words to get an answer to their life problems. She deserves to be better known in the world. What she had said 70, 80 or even 100 years ago now seem so relevant.
Now we see that religion is being used by politicians to divide people. Now what we need is more of spirituality and less of religion. Now is the time to turn to ideas which unite rather than divide. The Mother’s books give a direction to those who are seeking something simple and deep.
In my book “Mirra Alfassa- The Mother, Her Life and Her Work” I have pointed out the diverse fields to which she gave her spiritual touch. I have also written about her life and work. She pointed to the future, which is more important than the past.