Sri Aurobindo’s life in England is not so well-known. My book “Following in Their Footsteps” will give you a peep into those years which Sri Aurobindo spent in that country.
Most of these chapters came out as articles in “The Golden Chain” magazine over several years. As the editor of the magazine I could publish these articles as and when I had the opportunity to write them. Having spent many months every year in London for over 12 years I could visit these places and find out more about the time Sri Aurobindo spent there.
We go back to a time which is very different from the one in which we live. Great Britain was then under the reign of Queen Victoria and the period was historically an important one. It was an era of great changes and social reforms. I have tried to bring out the social context in which Sri Aurobindo grew up and also the details of his growing up years during which he lived like any English boy. There are chapters on Manchester, London, St.Paul’s School and Cambridge. Each place has its distinctive story.
The second half of the book is about the Mother’s life in Japan. She had a period of almost four years which she spent in Japan, during which time she lived a life which was completely different from her life in France or Pondicherry. That period can be considered as a preparation for her future role as a spiritual teacher and guide.
My curiosity lay in knowing about those elements of Japanese culture which the Mother assimilated during her stay in Japan and which she brought to the life of the Ashram. The Mother speaks highly of Japanese people’s aesthetic sense. As she was a trained artist she created beauty in simplicity, as it is done in Japan. It came naturally to her to make beauty an important part of the collective life.
Many of the pages of her “Prayers and Meditations” were written in Japan. We see her own thoughts and feelings, her identification with the whole of humanity and its aspiration. We see Japan in the background of these diary entries.
The book “Following in Their Footsteps” has many photos showing the places which I write about. These pictures bring the musings alive and give a context.